Helping Teenagers Improve Their Physical, Mental & Emotional Health

With the ever-increasing pressures our teenagers are put under with the relentless presence of social media platforms showing them unrealistic body images and picture perfect lifestyles, it is important now more than ever to be aware of the social pressures they are feeling and the negative impacts these can have on them and consequently the unhealthy habits they can adopt in a bid to keep up with the societal expectations. Using nutritional, physical and emotional guidance techniques, LIFE Fit can help your teenager through this testing part of their life.

What to Expect

Our LIFE Fit under 18’s program has been specifically designed to work with teenagers to help them to identify their interests and aspirations and to achieve the best in themselves, while at the same time increasing self-confidence and self-worth.

Their LIFE Fit coach will help to identify habits and behaviours that will support their set goals and will help them to discover, understand and overcome any insecurities.

Your teenager will be guided through the progressive, measurable changes as they start to develop a clearer vision for what they want from their life moving forward.

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LIFE Fit Retreats

Working together with our team and partners to bring you ever better retreats, breaks and events. LIFE Fit retreats will be back just as soon as we know when we can all travel safely again.