Wholemeal Loaf or Buns | Gluten and Wheat Free Loaf or Buns

Making bread can be a fun and rewarding experience and not only creates a preservative free bread but also makes your house smell wonderful.

Prep Time: 15 min

Cook Time: 90 min

Total Time: 105 min

Time to have fun

In a large mixing bowl, mix the wholemealĀ bread flour with the sea salt and easy-bakeĀ yeast

In a separate bowl, mix the water with theĀ extra virgin olive oil

Pour the water and oil mixture into the bowlĀ with the flour and mix until a dough is formed

Knead the dough WITH OILED HANDS for 10Ā minutes

Shape the dough into a loaf or into buns andĀ place onto a flat, oiled tray

Cover the dough and store in a warm place forĀ one hour, or until the dough has doubled in sizeĀ (an airing cupboard is ideal for this)

Cook in the middle of a pre-heated over, gasĀ mark 6 for 30 minutes – you can check to makeĀ sure bread is cooked by tapping it with yourĀ knuckles. If the bread sounds hollow, it isĀ cooked


  • Strong Wholemeal Bread Flour 500g

    Gluten and Wheat Free Option or replace with gluten and wheat free bread flour

  • Sea Salt 1tsp
  • Easy-Bake Yeast 1 sachet
  • Warm Water 300ml
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil 2tbsp

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